Saturday, December 20, 2014

20/12/14 -- Concept Ramblings, MG

I've been toying with the idea to change the setting/atmosphere for Maiden Gray from a dying world to more of a cyberpunk style world.

Originally, the plan was to have a lot of desert-like areas, dried, cracked patches of land, hardly any green outside of some forests. Everything was supposed to be a sort of "struggling to live economically" type of world, so there were lots of little villages that survived off the land, and everything was located sparely apart. Towns would be very far apart, and hardly anyone would live outside of these town patches. I wanted a lot of ancient ruin type things in the form of old gas stations and buildings, but I'm not entirely sure that will work.

Quick concept art of the White Capital, and the surrounding (barren) area.

Maiden Gray is set in a far future, and the technology in that future is revolutionary and advanced. There is economic downfall outside of the Capital City and the larger cities, so a gritty type of world might work.
I don't want to fall into the area of cyborgs and augmentations, because that's technically what a Parasite is -- an augmentation in biological form. I guess I'd say that the technology would be shown mostly for weapons and security, as well as hacking and the internet in the setting, as opposed to rogue robots going willy nilly.

I suppose what I'm trying to say here is, the vast uninhabited and dried up land concept is driving me a bit nutty and I wouldn't mind to change it a bit so that the cities were larger, had more highways connecting them, etc. It's a bit difficult to explain.

Monday, November 17, 2014


I haven't posted since about September.

I'm just popping in to say that nothing is dead yet (nor am I). I've just been so busy, I haven't really gotten anything done to show you. I mean, I drew out some in-depth concept art of the MG collar system and the communicators, but that's on physical paper.

Currently, I'm working on some things over at my other dev blog, Viperidae. I hatched it not too long ago as a collective dumping ground for progress on other pet projects that aren't visual novels. For example, right now I'm pretty absorbed in making a HRPG. Drawing CG, sprites, portraits, typing in the events, etc. "But ASP, bro, you're doing too much at once! Cool it!" The manner of my workflow isn't that I work towards deadlines, mind you. I work on things when I have the chance and drive to do them. That's why there's no "TO BE RELEASED IN  MAY 2015" or something on any of my projects. They're all kind of pet  projects, stress relievers, hobbies. And I get burnt out on things when I do them for too long. It's a "whatever I'm in the mood for" sort of job. If I were hired under someone and getting paid for my job, sure, I'd be attentive and consistent, but that's just not the case.

Anything else to say... hm. I guess I can reveal this early.  2015 might be a busy year for me. I'm most likely going to go into a workplace training course sometime that year (the waiting lists are a bit long, so...) just to get me some stuff to smack on a resume. The courses usually go about 6 months or more. During that time, I'll probably have less time to devote to my beloved projects, and as such, things will slow down a lot. So heads up.

Finally, I'll just give a bit of a progress report of sorts, just to show that I haven't been dawdling my time away for nothing.

Maiden Gray is still the most done, I can't estimate a percentage exactly. I haven't gotten back to doing the sprites yet, but I've finalized the concepts for a few minor/major characters in the game, as well as a few other designs for things unmentioned.

BLU has, unfortunately, been mostly untouched. I've tapped away at a bit of Azuma's route, but it's not all that indepth -- I seem to be having the most trouble writing lewd scenes. That's kind of my downfall. If anyone's up for writing things proper, shoot me a message.

HOOD's been on-and-off, and also not touched very much. I've been dabbling with some TWEEEESTS in the final route, and trying to find out a good way to implement a sort of battle system between you and another Dollmaster. I was thinking of doing something similar to the system in Fate/Extra, with the rock-paper-scissors mechanic, but I'm just not sure yet.

That's about it for now. Like I said, it's been an uneventful couple of months so far.
I'll release a couple of new designs for MG characters soon.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Musicians Wanted?

More of the script for Maiden Gray has been whacked out, and I've actually gotten the finer details of the plot and the entire common timeline made up. In other words, MG a gogo.

Though I'm a jack of all trades, the one thing I can't do at all is make music. I'm tone deaf and never learned music theory in school, and I can't seem to put together a tune at all. Not to mention it doesn't interest me in the slightest. However, that all means that I can't personally make music for the game. Which is why I'm asking if there's anyone out there who would like to compose for Maiden Gray.

I know what you're all thinking -- "There's tons of tracks out there already made, for free!" To which I say, I want something unique. I'm not looking at 'free' or 'accessible'. In fact, a lot of  those free tracks you find are used in a lot of projects, and like I said, I'd rather not have generic music used by the mass public. Maybe for a different game.

I'm looking for people who can make a solid soundtrack for me. I'm not good at identifying genres, so I guess I'd be looking for a mix of styles for the soundtrack to cover all the themes. Some tracks in a western-ish style, in the vein of the works of Luis Bacalov (think Kill Bill's soundtrack), and more softer tracks in a style similar to Akiko Shikata's -- Italian inspired, I guess. Maybe even something akin to the Nier/Drakengard 3 OST style, that sort of enchanting fantasy sound for a couple of rare tracks for the true route. The majority would probably be similar to the sort of music that came off of RE6.

That probably sounds super demanding and vague as hell, but I'm music illiterate, sorry.

I'd also eventually like an OP and possibly an ED. I could probably contract someone to make these specifically if I go through with the Kickstarter.

Anyway, I imagine you'd most likely want to get paid if you did this job (unless you're like me and you anonymously trawl the internet lending your talents for free and then disappearing after you've done your job, never to be found again), since I imagine Maiden Gray will most likely cost something or other for the amount of work put into it. I'm not in a position to immediately chuck you hundreds of dollars out of my own pocket right away, so if someone does end up offering their talents for a lump sum, I'll more than likely go through with the Kickstarter to cover that cost.

As well, I've been giving thought to voice actors for the game. I'm not sure how the general public feels about Western voice actors in otomege, though I've heard that there are a couple of projects others have made that have hired voice actors for, ie Backstage Pass; though I'm not sure of the casting on that one. If I did decide to go through with it, I'd have to seek people to do the lines in a non-cringey way (you know the way that voice actors do when dubbing anime? A la "JUNPAY-COON"? Like that.) and that would add more cost to the whole thing, which would ramp up the Kickstarter quite a bit more. The way I figure, for a small niche game genre like otome, the lower the funding goal, the more likely that goal will be reached so I want to keep it small. But voice actors (good ones, anyway) aren't going to come out of the woodworks to work for free. That doesn't happen.

Still, I haven't even decided on adding VA's -- I figure that's an extra and should come after the game has taken the form of an actual visual novel. You know, after the art is 100% done and the script is put in the engine and that jazz. It's not neccessary, and might even ruin the game, too, but it's something to look at in the future. Music is more important than that, and I won't even be putting that in until the script is 100% done anyway, so I know what I need.

Something to think about.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Maiden Gray - Mila Sprite, I Need a Plot Shovel For These Plot Holes

Within the few hours that I'm actually able to draw, I'm hard at work on finishing up the lineart for Mila's sprite:

There are still some clothes and expressions left to line.

Coloring it will be a whole 'nother bucket of worms, however, since my coloring talent is absolutely abysmal -- if there are any super talented color-ers out there who wanna give it a shot, please do -- but I'll try my darndest. Maybe watch a couple of speed-paint videos. Review a shit ton of Pixiv tutorials. Study other artist's works closely. That sort of thing.

I've been thinking hard about MG's plotline, too, and I'm not sure if I should ditch my current plot or add more bullshit to the plot I have, since I've noticed I've got a couple of plotholes that need fillin'. I'll think of ways to resolve them, but if I can't resolve them, then I might have to go with Plan B, which is also known as Plan Infinitely-More-Bullshit-And-Time-Fuckery.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Probably Maybe Patreon

After a lot of careful consideration about what's infront of me and what I'm capable of in this moment, I'm currently taking steps towards setting up a Patreon for those who might want to donate maybe a buck or two towards LADYproject and future projects, and towards the purchase of a new tablet for me so I can spend 24/7 on the sprite work and CGs instead of only a few hours per week.

I just need to get some confirmation, get some bank stuff sorted out, that sort of thing, and then I'll probably have it up and running. I don't know if anyone's even remotely interested in this sort of thing, but it's worth a shot, I suppose.

And in place of any real updates, I'll give you more Maiden Gray art, the next two of the set I posted a while ago, Riviera and Nathaniel.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

MAIDEN GRAY - Sketches

It gets boring without any substantial updates, so here's some concept sketches.

Fig. A:  The pacts made in Maiden Gray are parasitic; while you can only contract a pact through mutual consent, it still effectively acts as a parasite with it's own thought process. It takes a strong person to keep a pact under control. Pact makers who have gone insane due to these parasites are ordered to be put down since the person becomes bloodthirst and violent. Parasites can take over the body, too.

Fig. B: A mysterious character. More on this eventually.

Fig. C: Mila's left hand. Normally hidden by a glove, when it comes off she possesses a very disgusting appendage due to the pact with Johnny. His mark is on her skin. The skin is wrinkled back on the fingers, allowing bone to show through. The bone can be manipulated and it's strong enough to act as claws.

Fig. D: A new character, working with the Abolishants. Her backstory is a bit twisted. She's close to the Baron. Or so it seems.

Fig. E: The Baron himself. A mass murderer who founded the Abolishants, a cult of rogue pact makers, hellbent on tearing down society and destroying the pillars of the governmental system. He's an evil man.

Fig. F: Nil and Zen preparing for surgery on Mila. They have to use heavy-duty tools on her because of Johnny's defense mechanisms. Enough sedatives to kill an elephant and the tools to cut through diamonds.

Friday, August 8, 2014

MAIDEN GRAY - Misc. Art Post

In which I bring you doodles in hopes it quells the desire for progress updates. Here's two of an ongoing set, Mila and Spike (I don't think I've revealed Spike's design yet), to which there'll be more. I plan to do all of the G.O, the twins, and the antagonists of MG as little things to work on when I get burnt out on writing or drawing official art.

I still don't understand how to color shit right.
Perhaps I should release them as keychains/stickers eventually? I'm getting too far ahead of myself, someone cut me down.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

BLU UI mockup

Like I mentioned the other day, I've been playing with mockups for the frame in BLU, just to see ideas put into action.

Since BLU started with /blog/, we always had the idea to use the Yotsuba B in game, and as such, it's blue themed; even the name sounds like 'blue'. This design plays with the idea of using a similar format to posts. It might be too plain, I might even want to lower the transparency of the box or add more shadows to the box.

I'm not set on it, and I've still yet to figure out a design for the title screen, but I was thinking the school emblem with NEW GAME, CONTINUE, etc. buttons along the bottom.

That reminds me, I need to put 'refining the emblem' on the bucketlist.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

BLU - Marcus Concept Art

Two posts. One day. On a roll.

I've been sketching around and adjusting our bara megane protag a bit, and decided that since he's a pure NEET neckbeard, he needs to be kinda flabby but not ripped. It's kinda difficult.

I sketched up a quicky for his body type.

Probably too tall. Arms are babby-like. And I certainly hope none of you are foot fetishists.

But it's the general gist of it. Since, regrettably, I'm going to have to cut Dan (the soccer playing openly gay chub) out of the plan as far as I can tell, I wanted to fill that chub gap somehow.

I've still got a lot of practice to go as far as drawing males are concerned. It's pretty damn important. For girlier guys a la the standart otomege male, it's not that bad, but for more manly types, things get rocky because I step out of my comfort zone. But it's fine, because I need to do that to improve as an artist.

I can only get better, right? Final product will definitely be my best. I won't stop trying until I get it right.

Maiden Gray - UI, Frame, Textbox, Whathaveyou

Been fooling around with some mockup layouts real rough and dirty like. I'm not all that great at UI design, so I'm struggling a bit.

Above: Said quick'n'dirty mockup complete with concept sketches in place of sprite art and a shitty background I made in two minutes. I'm not set on anything here, though I kind of liked the file-folder design; but it looks a bit weird. I'll probably end up ditching it. The NEXT icon needs to be cleaned up but I plan to keep it.

 Here's the title screen mockup with a quickly painted idea of what I'm aiming for. Shred of cloth will be moving in the wind in the final product. Logo needs to be cleaned up a bit.  I think the terms are fine.

I'm also focusing on BLU UI as well, but that's a bit of a challenge, too. I'll post those mock-ups when I get a good feel of what I want.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Maiden Gray Outlines Check-a-rooni

I've got the real brief descriptions for each route outlined and made up. So the general themes and the sequence of events are a go, even if they are a bit loose and subject to change.

I've got about 60% of the common route typed up, and 30%-ish of the True Route script written. I plan to tinker with UI and design later on; I know what the title screen is going to look like, but the text boxes might be a bit of a challenge. I don't have too much of an eye for design, it baffles me just as much as music does, which is to say, a lot.

The current schedule for work is basically "do whatever whenever", but I've got a bit of a organized pattern to it. I tend to dedicate a day to Maiden Gray, a day to BLU, a day to HOOD. HOOD's more on the backburner, which is to say, it doesn't get as much of my attention right now as Maiden Gray or BLU does. The priority is Maiden Gray (which has the most material done), then BLU (because people are waiting on it) and then HOOD, due to the fact that HOOD is planned to be a bit more than just a VN. My original design documents have plans for a bit of gameplay to it, with 3D models if I can find the time.

Still awaiting a tablet of my own. Borrowing one is unreliable and interferes with work. Hopefully I get back to a full-time job soon, even though that will hinder my available time to work on the games.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

BLU - Two Weeks Are Up

And therefore, action is being taken.

This essentially means that I'll be making BLU on my own, until my teammates return to me or others want to assist with the cause.

Having one person make a game is daunting and pretty rocky, as it's going to take a while and some things are going to get axed. But it also means I have control over every aspect now.

I'm working on making some reliable concept sketches right now, to reference for every time I have to draw a CG or a sprite. I might post those as soon as they get done.

Have a good one.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

(Very) Early MG Concept Pieces, BLU update

A lot of the first images I created when designing characters are done on paper. Most of those images, I'd rather save for the art book that I plan to release if the game goes big. But there are a few pieces done on my computer that I'm able to give you a glimpse at.

A very early piece of Mila. It contains most of her core design, however, the art style and her hair have since changed.

Slightly more recent. Mila with her sword (which has been revamped as of now).  The style is closer to the one I plan on sticking with, but it looks more rounded and short? Also comes with color palette, which is still in use.

Anyway, I'm currently working on the actual sprites. I plan to get Mila and Nathaniel's done first, and then move on.

I'm still considering the Kickstarter. I'm borrowing someone's tablet right now, but I don't have it 24/7, so my art windows are small. A nice larger tablet would definitely be nice and right up my alley, but I don't really have thousands of dollars to shed.


As well, a small BLU update for those who follow this blog -- I'll be waiting around for about another week/ as of today, five days, for correspondence from my team. That'll be two weeks-ish for them to have seen my Skype update, the pastebin and the doc. If by that time I don't get any word from them (Skype shows me they haven't been online for months, the latest being two months ago), I'll start to take the project over on my own shoulders and get my ass in gear.

The things that I'll aim to do if I end up being the one-man team:

  •  reinstate full bara modo
  • bring back bara megane protag
  • cut down the main love interests to two (b-but muh illusion of choice)
  • jiggle with the plot a teensy bit to make it a bit fluffier
  • slap the R18 warning back on it
Amongst other things. I think I've got more wiggle room in some areas being alone, but not so much in other areas, for example, the cut-back on routes. It's pretty daunting making a full 4 routes on my own, and I'll be the first to admit that BL games aren't really my bag, but I still want to attempt something. And I don't think one of the routes was working out too well/ it was getting too Tumblrish. We all know we don't want that.

More updates to follow in the coming days/weeks/months/years. That good stuff. 

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

BLU Talks

I've been reconsidering taking up the /blog/ VN project, BLU, again, but I'm not entirely commited to it.

It's difficult to explain. I want to, but I don't want to, is what I'm saying.

Regardless of what happens with it, I'm still practicing male anatomy and how to draw men. Here's a few images I sketched up last night/this morning.


In the original plans, we'd wanted the entire cast to be comprised of bara men. This was quickly thrown out the window due to how the team (including myself) couldn't really draw bara too well. So we made the characters a bit more twink-y.

I always wanted the characters to be bara, and it disappointed me greatly when we decided against it. But that didn't stop me from practicing regardless. And look how far I've come. It's not perfect, but it does it's job. I always thought of MC as being more chubby than we normally drew him, to go with the lazy neckbeard who stays inside playing Japanese games all day persona. I also want to make Azuma sensei look a bit more Japanese himself (seeing as he's of Japanese descent) and to make him look older and more weary. 

Thursday, June 19, 2014

HOOD stuff, etc.

While I know I'm supposed to be on hiatus, I still want to update with things that I have in my archives that I've already sketched out, and talk about ideas and stuff, despite not being able to draw fresh content.
I'd love to show you all most of my concepts , too, but those are on paper and I'm not in any posistion to scan them right away.

Anywho, today I'll be discussing a bit about HOOD.

As I stated before, the story has been heavily influenced by a lot of media, and a plot device is actually based on fairy tales - namely, the Dolls. Dolls are the weapons the Dollmasters use to fight. Dollmasters use a Dollset - a number of Dolls at their disposal to fight with. A Dollset can be made up of any amount of Dolls, be it 6 dolls, or even just one. Ribbon herself has four Dolls, for example. However, that doesn't guarantee that all Dolls are powerful, or can even fight. There are some Dolls that exist purely for defense, some meant to distract the opponent, etc. However, every Dollmaster has one Doll that is more powerful than their other Dolls, known as the "Persona Doll" (working name, might change it). There is only one Dollmaster who is an exception to this, as she has not one, but three Persona Dolls. However, there's a reason for that, that you will discover later on.

The Persona Doll is usually based off the main character that the Dollmaster's Dollset is based off of. For example, Ribbon's Dollset is based on the story of Red Riding Hood. Therefore, her Persona Doll is based on Riding Hood herself, and aptly named as such. The Persona Doll reflects the Dollmaster in appearance, abilities, desires or personality - there's always a link to the true self.

As it stands, some of the Dollsets that I've planned out include:
  • Little Red Riding Hood
  • Thumbelina
  • Beauty and the Beast
  • Baba Yaga
And many more. It would be bad to spoil it all.

The designs are still in process. A lot of the Persona Dolls, however, have been designed. I'll leave you with concept art I made quite some time ago of Ribbon's Persona Doll. The design remains virtually the same, even now.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Back for a while, Misc. Project Details/Announcements

Still no tablet, friends. Money's been real short, I'm even considering setting up a Kickstarter for Maiden Gray just so that I can get at least a little bit, just enough to get my tools back. Maybe a donation pool would be feasible, but I'm really not sure how many people would willingly donate, not to mention that this thing isn't well known at all, and I don't have a Paypal to accept money into.

But I digress. I've been tapping at the scripts for Maiden Gray and Hood steadily. About 25% is done for Maiden Gray, and Hood is about 15%. As well, I've been tinkering away at a personal project for a long while now, upwards of about a year (ish?) that isn't an otomege, but is along the same lines as one. It's more of a VN staring a female protagonist, a mute woman come back from the dead to seek revenge on the King of the country. The setting is sort of medieval fantasy, but it's a bit modern? It's hard to explain, the protagonist's design is kind of the style of the game. What I have so far is pretty dark and might be considered "edgy", so I'll have to tone it down some, I suppose. It's pretty difficult writing a serious protagonist that doesn't speak in a VN, because you can only really convey her thoughts, which can seem pretty tryhard at times. There's a lot of murder and gruesome content thus far. I want to keep those aspects up, at least.

Even though I can't actively draw sprites, I can write, which is a godsend in these trying times. I know the whole "don't take all these projects on to your plate" thing is a common taboo in this industry, but even so, with these things getting chipped away at slowly, it's more of a leisure thing that I'm sure will succeed, even if it means getting finished five years into the future. I'm on no deadline, I do this for fun.

I leave you with art of the protag of the unnamed VN, done at different times prior to now. Try to guess which one's more recent?

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Popping Back In, Title Changes

I'm still on hiatus, but I wanted to pop back in to update something important. Ish.

The game known as PactPrice, which was formally a working title, is now known from here-on-out as Maiden Gray, unless I make a change to that as well.

Though the game has a lot of pact-related stuff, I think the Maiden Gray title works a lot better plotwise, and it's nicer sounding (to me, anyway.)

I'll go back and retag my posts under that tag. Thanks for joining in.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Hiatus of the Greatest

I'll be taking a short break (well, I hope it's short) from all my projects for a while, as I'm unable to do any digital artwork, since my tablet is basically dead.

Until I can magically conjure up the money to get another, I'll be out like a lamp for god knows how long.

Though I'll still be working on the writing bits, mind you, don't need no tablet for that, so that'll be chipped away at.

I thought about putting up a donation pool or something, but I don't actually have a Paypal or a means to get one, nor do I think many people even know about this blog/ my projects. I'm unemployed right now, so things aren't exactly the best financially.

Anyway, I'll be back when I'm off. Until then.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

09/05 - Maiden Gray Concept Art, Sword Update

I decided to redo Mila's sword, since it seemed a little bit clunky, and because I'm not entirely sure she could wield it properly.

The new sword retains a similar handle scheme, but the blade itself is a lot more refined. It's not as "buster sword" styled as the old one.

I made a quick mock-up in Blender as a proper reference, since weapon sketching isn't my strong point:
Sword on it's side, not refined; the blade bit is really rough and blocky.

Visual of the handle/grip/whathaveyou. There's a latch of sorts that isn't displayed too well here because I'm not great with Blender's render function.
The sword as it is now has a lot more depth and thought to it. I might UV texture it later on, but I'm terrible with UV maps.

Mila is meant to carry a larger-than-normal sword with her, it's her "thing", you might say, but she's still a woman and she does have her limits. She's not overly muscular, so we're stretching it right now, but I like to think that her Pact gives her extra strength as well. I might add something to her design so that she has a sheathe on her back, or something to that extent.

Monday, May 5, 2014

05/05 - Maiden Gray Concept Art

Another bit of art of another dateable boy and part of your squad, Xodus.


Like I mentioned in another post, Xodus has breathing problems and skin problems so he wears the mask pretty much 24/7. I do adore Xodus's design a lot so far, but my only issue with him is that people might look at him and think that he's a rip off of Clear from DMMD because of the mask. Certainly, the mask might play a part, but I can honestly guarantee that he's genuinely fucked up under that mask.

Monday, April 28, 2014

29/04 - Maiden Gray Concept Art

A bit of Nathaniel art today. It's the quick'n'dirty sketch'n'color version. To be refined.

As well, I wanted to talk a bit about game music, particularly OP/ED themes. I'd love to have a personalized OP/ED for the game, but I'm not a jack of all trades in that regard. I'm tone deaf and can't read music. Therefore I'd have to get someone else to compose for me. I was thinking that eventually I'd shell out the money to get someone to write and record a song in maybe Italian. That will come eventually, I guess. No need to worry about it now, but it's nice to think about.

Friday, April 25, 2014

25/04 - Maiden Gray Concept Talk, Character Introductions (?)

I'm still chipping away at getting a solid piece of presentable art out for each of the guys, but I have them planned out and whatnot anyway.

The Ghost Operatives consists of five people. There's Mila, the captain of the squad, also known as codename Hawk. You've already met Mila, not much more to say here.

Second in command is the man known as Spike, codename Blackbear. He's a muscular man who fights with his fists and surprisingly enough, his words - he's the team negotiator and is known for his charisma. His pact partner takes over his left arm, beefing up his attacks. Hardly ever wears a shirt.

The team techie is Nathaniel, codename Tarantula. He gave up his external hearing for the ability to process data quicker. Quite simply put, he's got no ears. Therefore, he relies on a pair of special microphones implanted in either side of his head that look like headphones to pick up on words and sounds. An insomniac and a genius, he's formal and hardly ever refers to anyone by their real name.

Riveria, codename Viper,  is the sniper - his aim is never off. He's somewhat effeminate. His personality is polite and gentle. Not even the members of G.O know what he sacrificed for his pact, as it isn't shown, and as he's very secretive about his abilities. 

Finally, there's Xodus, or codename Wolf. He's a jack of all trades, but likes to use assault rifles to back other members up. He also tinkers with explosives. Xodus wears a gasmask at all times, claiming that "the pact made me ugly" and also because he has problems breathing normal air. He's the most relaxed and funloving out of the group.

Those are the four main options for romantic interest. It's hard giving a brief description without ruining their own little secrets or showing you their appearance.

Even though these are the main four, I'll state again that there are five routes total. Route number five is the true route, and I will not spoil any more on it. It's up for debate what happens in route five.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

22/04 - Maiden Gray Concept Art

Two posts today, oh wow.

Today's concept art is a pair of doctors in the Capital (the largest city in the country), Dr. Zen and Dr. Nil.

They're minor characters who work closely with the government, and as far as anyone knows, the only people who know how to reverse the Pact making process.

22/04 - Maiden Gray Concept Talk

No art right now, I'm working on a sketch of one of the boys, though, for later/tomorrow/sometime in the future.

Today, I just wanted to talk a tiny bit about what I envisioned for the game itself, without revealing too much.

Maiden Gray is going to be a bit complex. I'll state that early. It's not as simple as your run-of-the-mill OELVNs, and it's certainly not a teenage girl romance simulator. Don't come in expecting that. Do not come in expecting fluffiness, or a plot revolving around romance itself - that's a secondary feature, if I had to call it something.

The main theme that we're keeping in mind here is the word "assumptions". That's what the game itself picks up on and revolves around, is the average player's assumptions, when most times, you won't be able to predict what will happen. For example, there will be times when the player might say, "I don't see how that's bad", but it will be an assumption that the "good" part is actually good. It's not. It's super not.

It's so difficult to try and explain this without spoiling much of the plot, I want it to be an entertaining read that catches interest, and spoiling the details and truth would destroy the fibers of what holds it together. I'll just say that I'm keeping a very close eye on the script and art, and making sure certain things are there and other certain things aren't, so that only the most observant can actually decipher the truth before it's given to you in the True Route.

Monday, April 21, 2014

21/04 - Maiden Gray Concept, Info

Today I started to properly line out the sword, but then I figured out that drawing swords is difficult work.
Therefore, I`m thinking I might render it in Blender instead as it appears to be the easiest way I can flesh out my weapon ideas. Might need to do a bit more sword research as well, I wanted one edge to be serrated so that you could catch other blades on it and the other one to be smooth and sharp, to, well, slice with.

As well, a bit of insider info on Maiden Gray. There are currently five routes planned. Four routes will get two ends, as far as I can see. And no end will be good. There are no good endings. Only suffering and subtle suffering, in many delicious flavors. Do you want some crushed peanuts on that suffering?

Sunday, April 20, 2014

20/04 - HOOD Concept Upload

A rough SD doodle of Ribbon, MC of HOOD. You can see that she's kind of influenced by Red Riding Hood, as is intentional. She's also Dollmaster #8, the youngest.

20/04 - Maiden Gray Concept Upload

Concept art of the MC, Mila Jonas. The sword isn't drawn well, but I plan to draw it out in detail in a different sketch. It's only a placeholder for now. 

Character fact: Mila is the captain/leader of the G.O, and the only female on the squad. She doesn't like guns, so she fights with a large sword instead. How does she lift it? Extensive training/pact magic bullshit.

Welcome/Project Announcements

I decided to fire up a blog for personal projects under my team's name, as well as updates on things I'm involved in that may or may not be directly related to LADYproject's name.

First of all, many people already know about the boy's love game, BLU: Boy's Love University, in the works. As much as I'd love to say progress on the game is coming along swimmingly, I'm afraid I can't, as we've hit a few bumps in the road and communications have been next to nil. We will do our best to remedy this, as it's only two people working on the game at this point. Expect things to take a while, but I can't personally promise BLU will come to fruition as planned - it might just not be possible for us after all.

Secondly, personal projects under the LADYproject label. These games will be otome games, and as far as it's planned, with no sexual content (slight nudity is a possibility, gore is a definite, so "Mature" is definitely the rating for them both). The below two games are heavily in-the-works and made by a single person, so take your hype with a truckload of salt.


A game that's influenced by materials such as Rozen Maiden and common fairy tales, HOOD stars a girl named Ribbon, who happens to be a street urchin of sorts - she takes care of a group of orphaned children alongside long-time friend Tibet, steals to feed the family, and participates in high-speed flyboard races to earn cash prizes . One day, coming back from a race, Ribbon gets assaulted by a strange girl with cat ears. All at once, memories start rushing back to Ribbon, and the war of the eight Dollmasters begins. Are you strong enough to kill your seven sisters and reach Mother?

HOOD's whole atmosphere, color scheme and feeling is inspired by the sort of atmosphere in DMMD - bright, colorful, sort of futuristic. While the game has more of a light type of feel to it, with comedy and fun, there's also a lot of brutal murdering. There's only three love interests planned, and the cast is predominantly female. Possible harem end, if I can work around it. I might get this once voiced, that's just how I feel about it.

PactPrice Maiden Gray

Set in a different sort of future than HOOD, PactPrice Maiden Gray is a gritty world with magic and warfare. To gain magic and powers, people form pacts with monsters from the outerlands, for a price - usually an arm, or an eye. However, many Pact makers have gone rogue and are trying to murder people without pacts, and overthrow the government.  One in particular, a horrifying man known only as the Baron, who has left hundreds of massacres in his wake. It's said that no one survives his massacres. Unbeknownst to the public, there are only five people who have. They make up a group known as the Ghost Operatives, a group of Pact makers formed under the government, set up to kill rogue Pact makers and to ultimately end the Baron's bloody rampage. 
You play as the captain of the G.O, Mila Jonas, a woman who's Pact partner is a creature known as Johnny.  The game will be exceptionally brutal and twisted, as it's heavily inspired by the Drakengard series. I plan not to skimp on gore and body horror, as those are two of my specialties (as opposed to romantic writing, which I'm not so great at). This is the series I'm considering having partial nudity in.

I'll post concept art of both series soon. Like I said, they're pretty heavily underway, and more than just "ideas" at this point. No promises, only progress until I can't move any longer.  There are other games of mine, but they're little more than just ideas and slight paragraphs of writing right now, things that I'm not as ambitious about. Backburner projects.

With that, I christen the blog open and ready. Time to get things done.